Quiero desgarrar esta vena que esta llena de muchos sentimientos.

martes, 16 de mayo de 2017

From the bottom of my heart

Dear E

While sometimes we may questions things in life, deep inside, I know you are the only one for me. When I’m away from you, you are the one that is continuously on my mind. Everything about you, from the way you act, to the way you love, tells me that I can be with you forever and never get tired of you. It is you that I want to sit next to as we are aging and it is you I want to rest next to. You are the only one who can make me feel the way you do. Only you are able to make me feel as if time stops when I am with you. Only you can be the one to straighten me out and chase my fears away. For this, I am forever grateful and look forward to the life we will be living together.
Understand that there are some things in life that are inevitable. I am powerless and cannot control those things. Yet, the sun will rise and set, the tide will continue, the seasons will continue to change and I will continue to love you.
From the moment I first saw you, I knew that our friendship was going to blossom into something bigger. You are the one true love in my life – the one I have been blessed with and I wouldn’t do anything to change that. You are the warmth I need to keep me away from this dark world.
I am the same person I have always been and yet, the friendship I discovered with you has grew into something bigger and better and has changed my life. I understand this love we have will require time and attention and I am perfectly fine with that. Yes, we have our down times, but we have more ups than downs.
You know, while thinking, I discovered there is something mysterious about this relationship between you and I. This relationship is almost a thing in itself and yet, it is something no one can see or touch. Because of you, I have seen good changes in me and that is something no one else was able to do. I am interested in more things because you are interested in those things – I am sharing so much with you and have told you things I would have never told anyone else. You have helped me change, grow and expand and I thank you for this. I am a much better person because of you – you are the one who has made me stronger and happier.
Before you came into my life, there wasn’t much to me – I was an average guy with an average life – I was down to earth, but there was a sadness in my heart. I was missing something. Today, I realized exactly what I was missing. It was you. Now that you are here with me, I feel as if my life is complete – I no longer feel as if I am missing something. When I go home at night, from work, I am happy, because I know there is someone that will be waiting for me. In the past, when I went home after work, I went home to an empty house – surely, you could relate to me on this filling.
Every day, when I am at work, I wonder what you’re doing – I imagine me sitting next to you and cannot wait to get home to you so I can give you a big kiss. Every day, it is you that I look forward to and it is you that makes my life worth living. Honestly, I don’t know what I would ever do without you.
I love you and I will always love you from the bottom of my heart.
Love always,


The man thats loves you to the day he dies

Dear E,

So, I was thinking about you, and how much you mean to me. I started to wonder how I could tell you. I thought maybe I could buy you roses, but rose are so cliché.

Then I thought about playing a song for you on my guitar, but I dont know how to play. I was going to take you to see Beauty and the Beast, but you have already seen that movie.

I was really at a loss to what I should do. I then thought I would buy a card for you, but I thought I could do something better.

Then I thought of a better idea. I would write you a letter. Only problem is I am not a writer.

I am not a writer, but when ever I look at you I am filled with words. I am not a dancer, but when I’m with you I move and groove.

I am not a pilot, but your love makes me fly high. I am not an actor, but being with you makes me understand Shakespeare.

I don’t know karate or crazy, but if someone were to mess with you I’d learn both. I am not a cook but you are so hot I can cook anything.

I am just a boring man, yet you are the woman that makes me want to climb mountains, fly jet planes, and do flips, just to see you.

When I am with you I feel like a prize winning boxer, a movie star, a rock star, even a sex symbol. You raise me up when I am down.

I am a slob, but when you are around I clean up… Well, maybe not clean up. Maybe, I still don’t understand Shakespeare, and the words in my head are all gibberish.

All the dances I know are from the 90’s, I’m afraid of spiders, and I don’t have the time or money to learn Karate or Crazy. I still think you are special.

You are more special than my crappy writing. You are more special than my two left feet. You are way more special than Shakespeare. You are special because you are with me.

Uniquely Yours,

The man that loves you to the day he dies.

Dear E

                                                                                                                           May 2
Dear E,

I just wish you were here right now so I could tell you this,

I  am your home and I am going to miss you so much. I am going to miss the little things you do like calling me Papi or Baby. I am going to miss being able to hold you, kiss you, everything about you. You just don't know what you do to me; every time I see you I feel complete, every time you smile I feel bliss, every time I talk to you it makes my day. But not knowing if I'll ever hold you, look into your eyes and kiss you again scare's the hell out of me.

My heart aches at the thought of not being with you. I cherish the time we spend together - every laugh, every kiss, talking, putting our hands together. I cherish you, I am beyond lucky and I'm so glad I found you. I would give anything just for you to be in my arms; without you I feel so empty. When I'm with you there is just this feeling, my heart starts to beat faster I just feel so good like I can fly. It's like all the love flows through me.

When you come back to me to hold you, I will feel so complete and I will love holding you and I will never want to let go. I want to hold you and tell you everything's going to be okay, I want to comfort you. I know you have been hurt before and so have I and I never want to hurt you. I want to hold you and make the bad feelings go away, yours and mine. I want to hold you and make you feel safe, protected, supported, loved. When I am going to hold you it's like nothing else matters except you and me…I want to take you to a place, where time stops and there's nothing to worry about except you and me - the important things in life. I want to talk more about you and the troubles you're going through so I can help you, even more, I want to be with you so you can forget them and put your mind at ease so you don't stress out about everything.

We have all the time in the world to talk or do whatever. I wish I could take you somewhere just you and me so we could relax and be free and forget about all our troubles. So I can treat you like a you are like you are my queen, the way you should always be treated. You are my queen. How can I tell you, you mean more to me than life itself? I love you more than life and each passing day. Just loving you has its own rewards, I never want to fight or argue with you, I just want to love you.

Every time I'm away from you I feel so empty. I think that's why I push for us to be together when you don't have any free time. It is unbearable, all these miles away from you feeling empty inside, wanting to fly to you but can't because of our schedules, I feel so bad because of that. I am just trying to make up for lost time. I wanted to be with you so bad it hurts. Each minute away from you feels like an eternity. I am so far gone in love with you.

I hurt when you hurt, when you're sad I feel it. When you're depressed I'm depressed. I love you so much and I don't hate when you're sad, I want you to be happy like you have made me and I'm so glad I found you. I would do anything to see you smile. I wish I could take away all the troubles in your life. But all I can do is comfort you and support you and be here if you need me, but I wish I could do more for you. I want/need to help you.

Love is not just saying I love you or something to that special person, it's so much more than that. It's helping, supporting, being there for them, standing by their side no matter what happens and doing anything you can for them, forgive and forget whatever mistakes they made and that's what I want to do for you, Babe. I wish I could hold you and comfort you and make you feel comfortable and happy. I can only hope the things I do, say and write bring you happiness like you have given me. You are my heart and if I can do anything to please you, I will.

You mean so much to me and I'm lucky to have you. I cherish the ground you walk on, I cherish everything about you, and I cherish you. You mean everything to me, you are special to me and you make me so happy and I feel so free when I'm around you. You're always on my mind. I think of you everyday, sometimes when I see something or hear a song, I think of you.

I think about you all the time and I worry about you. I always wonder how you feel, how you're doing, what you're doing. I don't want you to have to go through that alone, you may think you have to go at that alone but that's not true. I'm here to help you, I want to support you and I worry about that. I don't want you to worry or be depressed or be stressed out about something. I want to help you and comfort you; I want to try to make you as happy as you make me. You mean the world to me. All I want to do is hold you and love you and make all your troubles go away, I wish I could tell you this in person.

I just want to make you so happy, so happy that you would feel as though you could fly. Babe, let's make this work, lets find a way to make our dreams a reality. To live together, to get married, have children, grow old, and love each other like each day is our last.  I need you ... my heart needs you and I feel so empty without you.

Love always,
