Quiero desgarrar esta vena que esta llena de muchos sentimientos.

viernes, 7 de febrero de 2020

Short story

There lived a family in a beautiful White House in the deep state of South Carolina.   They were a hard working family of farmers who have been working the crops since 1800s. The mother was a beautiful brown Curley haired woman named Ellen Keatting. She was married to a hard working man named Matthew Keatting. He was a farmer and was also in the United States Army. They had four kids and was expecting one more. Amelia was 12 years old, she was the oldest. She resembled her mother so much. Theodore and Brian were twin brothers 8 years old both cheerful and full of hopes and dreams. Baby Hailey she was the youngest 2 years old and was the cutest baby that you could imagine. She had dark brown Curley hair, beautiful oak eyes that could break her fathers heart and made his world. They were expecting to have one more girl and planed to name her Marie. Ellen was excepted to have her fifth child in only a few weeks. 

The White House was a old style two story wrap around porch with Tall White columns wrapped around the porch. It had  7 rooms, 5 bathrooms, a beautiful open kitchen, a classic den as you walked in the front door on the left, a large dining room on the right. It sat on a 200 acre lot. 

The family was a happy, polite hard working family. They loved to work the land that was passed down for many generations. The father would take his two  boys on the tractor to plow the lands and walk them true the tall rows of corn and wheat. The boys loved to work with their father. Theodore had rough hands like his father and felt the crops as they would walk. He would say “ I can feel the soul of the earth thru our crops”. His father knew he would love the farm just like he does. Brian had softer hands like his mother. He would slowly watch for animals that lived in the crops and would love to feed them. He would say “ the animals that line here protect us and I will protect them”. His father believed he has his mothers love for animals and would be a great man to nurture the animals that live on this earth. 
As the men would walk the crops, Ellen would show her daughter Amelia how to prepare the food to support the family stomachs and to help with any thing that needed to be done. Amelia loved to play the piano and had a great ear for music and loved literature like her mother. Little baby Hailey would like to stare outside and say mommy I want to explore the world and had the eye for adventure. The kids were all bright and knew about loving each other well. 
The family would always go to the crops on Sunday after church and would walk to there favorite spot on the river to have a picnic. Amelia and her mother would prepare chicken salad, beans and rice with Sazon, adobo, and sofrito, with a y’all pitcher of Sweet tea. The kids would play in the river as Matthew and Ellen later in the blanket and watched them laugh and scream with joy. 

A quiet happy family in a small far off town in the heart of the south. True southerners who loved to care for the earth and cared about family more than anything.

domingo, 2 de febrero de 2020


My Experience at the Basic Leader Course

My first impression when I was coming to the Basic Leader Course (BLC) was
indifference; I thought it was going to be another school that the Army was
implementing for my Army preparation as a soldier. According to the Army, BLC is the
first leadership course noncommissioned officers (NCOs) attend. BLC is a month-long
course that teaches Specialists and Corporals the basic skills needed to lead small
groups of Soldiers. This course is hard-hitting and intensive with an emphasis on
leadership skills and prepares Soldiers to advance to the rank of Sergeant
(goarmy.com). BLC is a mandatory portion of the Army’s Select Train Educate
Promoted (STEP) Program that ensures that anyone that desires to be a
noncommissioned officer with a pathway to successfully become one. As a junior
enlisted Soldier, and future NCO, successfully passing BLC and taking the knowledge I
gained here is one of the major short-term goals of my Army Career.

Why is it important to attend the Basic Leader Course? After all, is it just a
simple school that is mandated by the Army? After attending BLC I realized I was
wrong about it, and that BLC is excellent training necessary to begin the initial
development of junior NCOs. The various dynamics that the instructors implement in
each class create a solid learning environment for the foundational skills of NCOs.
Each phase that I went through impacted me on both a personal and professional level,
which enabled me to understand the importance of the noncommissioned officer and
the responsibilities of the job. The two classes that had the largest impact on me were Master Resilience Training (MRT) and Followership and Servant Leadership

Master Resilience Training (MRT) is a resilience-training program that is offered
by the United States Army. The goal of the program is to teach Soldiers about
resilience and to train those Soldiers to teach other Soldiers about resilience as well
(positivepsychology.com). In my two years of experience as an active-duty Soldier, the
MRT training I have received at BLC has been by far the most comprehensive. I didn’t
have to watch the old MRT videos or have to read a PowerPoint with 75 slides talking
about resilience. The instructor introduced an open and judgment-free environment and
started the class by opening up about himself and talking about his own experiences in
life. The class turned out to be encouraging and realistic; it was the kind of class that
made me open up about myself to others and discuss my personal struggles as a
Soldier. That encouragement enabled other individuals to speak up, in turn, and
allowed them to be more understanding and empathetic towards others.
Followership is the capacity or willingness to follow a leader (merriam-

This class was very instructive because it helped me to understand my
role as a future NCO and to better develop myself as a leader. The instructors made
the class very understandable and professional, allowing me to think critically about who
I am as a Soldier. Am I a follower, or I am a leader? Do I have the characteristics to be
a leader at all? After having time to analyze myself, I came to the conclusion that I had
to be a follower to learn from others first, before eventually becoming the leader I am
today. After taking some time to reflect, I arrived at the conclusion that I have to be a
good listener to learn from my subordinates and that would also help me become the leader I want to be. Yes, I do have the qualities to be a great leader. I must continue to
lead by example and learn from my experiences and mistakes to become an NCO I can
be proud of.

In conclusion, I would like to say that I’m very thankful for my experience here at
the Basic Leadership Course. I learned a lot from this course and I will use all the
knowledge I gained from my instructors and my experience here throughout my Army
career. My mentality is not the same as a junior enlisted Soldier anymore. I will be
graduating with the mindset of a noncommissioned officer, ready to lead, develop and
be more empathetic with my future soldiers. As a future noncommissioned officer: “I will
not forget, nor will I allow my comrades to forget that we are professionals,
noncommissioned officers, leaders!” (www.army.mil)

Una carta con una pesima otografia pero con miles sentimiento!!!

Te preguntas pq este chico q te hiso mal algún día te habla. Pues si... pero no lo hago para mal. Eh buscado las mil maneras de seguir adelante como tanto me pediste la verdad por una manera diferente lo hise pero por la otra no. Aun no entiendo en mi corazón como dejar ir a la persona q amamos por amor. Me haces falta las 24 horas del día. Se q estas molesta y te entiendo. Te pido disculpas en la situación q te puse con tu mama.( lo cual creo injusto y moriré diciéndolo) pero si algún día nuestros caminos se cruzan te gritaré en la cara te lo dije. Te seré sincero si me gusta tarea q pasara eso. Desearía poder verte una vez más sentirte una vez más eres el amor de mi vida mi mejor amiga coño eso solo tu lo tienes. Por favor no me odies por lo q hice. Por favor dime q no te rendiste. Si aprendiste algo bueno de mi por favor q sea eso no lo malo. Te dije hace tres años q yo nunca te dejaría ni te dejaría de amar por favor no me llames mentiroso pq aun así aquí lo hago en estas letras pongo mi corazón. Para mi no a sido fácil y se q para ti menos. Se q cambiastes tu # esta bien eso i guess. Me tienes bloqueado de todas partes esta bien i guess. Pero dime tu... romeo aun así cuando los papas no la querían con Julieta encontraban la manera de verse y amarse y decir se sus piropos y sus votos? Claro q si y si aprendí algo de esa novela es q el así amor es así es una vez en la vida no lo dejes ir. 

Ester te amo siempre lo e dicho por favor nunca lo olvides. Sigue adelante. Si no es conmigo con el q sea o sola pero puñeta no te quites pq yo no me quite estoy aquí, sufro tu partida sufro la distancia y si espero algún fía volver a tenerte en mis brazos. Como tu dices. Por favor ora mucho para q dios nos de la fortaleza a los dos. Y esperaba saber q hibas al army. No se si aun lo piensas.
No te molesto mas. 
Tengo tantas cosas q deseo decirte q mejor me las reservaré si fuera mudo explotó. 

Pero q puedo decir amoa S. 

La Escritora
La Nerd 
La Enfermera

Att CJ
Espero no molestarte. 

My last letter to you

Dear CJ.

Buenos días,

No vuelvas a escribirme, fui muy clara en mi último mensaje y deseo continuar con mi vida con total normalidad. No tengo que discutir ningún acuerdo contigo, fui muy clara en los últimos meses y no quiero seguir llenando un ilusión que no tiene ningún sentido. Deseo que respetes mi desicion y dejes de buscarme. No vuelvas a decir que puedes controlarme porque siempre se te ha sido muy difícil hacer eso y siempre he sido indomable para ti. 

Ya fue suficiente para ambos. 


Con total seriedad 


Dear S.

There are no words to describe the meaning you have to me or how much you impact my life. There's this angel I know very little about. But in time, I will truly get to know who this wonderful person is. Just by looking into her soul through her brown crystal clear eyes and contagious laugh did I truly see her for who she is. Now, all that it takes to make me happy is the thought of you because, your voice has become a soothing nurse to my being, your kiss shows the heavenly memories of what our best moments that are yet to come hold, and your touch writes words that leave evidence of unyielding love beyond comprehension. I will forever love you to my very last breath.

With love,


Letter Tres

Today I woke up feeling happy and in love. Do you know why I woke up feeling this
way? because you were by my side, with your snoring, your drool in my neck and your breath
pinking my cheek. I woke up with a man who, although he seems like a complete idiot, is the
most wonderful man of my life, of course after my father. A man who is intelligent, funny,
funny, a man who irritates me and drives me crazy.

A man who is capable of everything and who has the confidence to do great things. A man who although totally clueless and disorganized
keeps me in love. I love you for who you are, for your good qualities and so bad ones. I see both,
even if you don't believe it.

You make me a better person; my temper has improved and my way of talking to you
too. Every day I feel that I can open to you and be more expressive. I love you even if you do not
understand why my feelings. You are important to me and I want you to know my love.

PS. I will miss you all day.

See you later,

With a lot Amore


Letter 2

Dear T,

Today I woke up happy, because you were by my side. Waking up in your arms is the
best feeling in the world. I feel protected and safe. Thank you for taking care of me in my
dreams. Yesterday was a different and busy day. We had a misunderstanding and we could solve
it without any problem. I believe that this relationship has a future, if both work hard. I admit
that I feel insecure and comfortable with certain things, but I try to improve. Please, my love be
patient. I know that I am a difficult and complicated woman, but I want this more than anything.
I want to give you my love and my support.

PS. Sonnet 48

With all my love,
