Quiero desgarrar esta vena que esta llena de muchos sentimientos.

viernes, 7 de febrero de 2020

Short story

There lived a family in a beautiful White House in the deep state of South Carolina.   They were a hard working family of farmers who have been working the crops since 1800s. The mother was a beautiful brown Curley haired woman named Ellen Keatting. She was married to a hard working man named Matthew Keatting. He was a farmer and was also in the United States Army. They had four kids and was expecting one more. Amelia was 12 years old, she was the oldest. She resembled her mother so much. Theodore and Brian were twin brothers 8 years old both cheerful and full of hopes and dreams. Baby Hailey she was the youngest 2 years old and was the cutest baby that you could imagine. She had dark brown Curley hair, beautiful oak eyes that could break her fathers heart and made his world. They were expecting to have one more girl and planed to name her Marie. Ellen was excepted to have her fifth child in only a few weeks. 

The White House was a old style two story wrap around porch with Tall White columns wrapped around the porch. It had  7 rooms, 5 bathrooms, a beautiful open kitchen, a classic den as you walked in the front door on the left, a large dining room on the right. It sat on a 200 acre lot. 

The family was a happy, polite hard working family. They loved to work the land that was passed down for many generations. The father would take his two  boys on the tractor to plow the lands and walk them true the tall rows of corn and wheat. The boys loved to work with their father. Theodore had rough hands like his father and felt the crops as they would walk. He would say “ I can feel the soul of the earth thru our crops”. His father knew he would love the farm just like he does. Brian had softer hands like his mother. He would slowly watch for animals that lived in the crops and would love to feed them. He would say “ the animals that line here protect us and I will protect them”. His father believed he has his mothers love for animals and would be a great man to nurture the animals that live on this earth. 
As the men would walk the crops, Ellen would show her daughter Amelia how to prepare the food to support the family stomachs and to help with any thing that needed to be done. Amelia loved to play the piano and had a great ear for music and loved literature like her mother. Little baby Hailey would like to stare outside and say mommy I want to explore the world and had the eye for adventure. The kids were all bright and knew about loving each other well. 
The family would always go to the crops on Sunday after church and would walk to there favorite spot on the river to have a picnic. Amelia and her mother would prepare chicken salad, beans and rice with Sazon, adobo, and sofrito, with a y’all pitcher of Sweet tea. The kids would play in the river as Matthew and Ellen later in the blanket and watched them laugh and scream with joy. 

A quiet happy family in a small far off town in the heart of the south. True southerners who loved to care for the earth and cared about family more than anything.

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